Smart City Expo: Smart-Village-Projekt SMARTinfeld als Blueprint für die Digitalisierung im ländlichen Raum

The IoT company Alpha-Omega Technology presents successfully implemented smart village applications based on LoRaWAN technology. The model village SMARTinfeld is a finalist in the competition “Digital Villages in the Land of Ideas 2023”. Joint stand P2/83 of LEG Thüringen

Schimberg and Berlin, October 30, 2023 – Alpha-Omega Technology GmbH & Co. KG is an expert in municipal IoT infrastructures. As the operator of the largest online shop for IoT applications in the German-speaking world,, the company has been connecting the LoRaWAN scene for years. At this year's Smart City Expo World Congress visitors to the joint stand P2/83 will get an insight into the IoT applications of the Smart Village model project SMARTinfeld. For more than five years, the local company Alpha-Omega Technology GmbH, together with the municipality of Martinfeld in Eichsfeld, Thuringia, has been implementing sensor-based IoT applications under realistic conditions. This makes it possible to experience how IoT solutions work for an entire community, thus sustainably shaping village life for the future. The applications include, for example, intelligent street lighting and an IoT weather station park. They are all based on Long Range Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN) wireless technology, which has a long range, and open-source software. The project serves as a blueprint for digitization in rural areas. SMARTinfeld is one of the Finalisten des Wettbewerbs „Digitale Orte im Land der Ideen 2023“ competition in the “Smart Community” category, which annually honors the best digital projects for rural areas. This demonstrates the national significance of the model project. The Smart City Expo World Congress which focuses on “New Urban Era,” will take place in Barcelona from November 7 to 9, 2023.

The idea behind SMARTinfeld

More than five years ago, local entrepreneur Jan Bose and the municipality of Martinfeld came up with the idea of SMARTinfeld in response to the fact that smart city projects are usually limited to urban environments. As a result, they do not take into account the special needs of rural communities. SMARTinfeld provides a blueprint for small communities and an answer to the many challenges faced by areas in terms of digitalization Compared to a smart city, the SMARTinfeld lighthouse project is tailored to a lower population density and a stronger sense of community. It aims to maintain a rural way of life while integrating technology and innovation. The model village of SMARTinfeld is already established and is continuously being developed: Alpha-Omega Technology regularly tests and optimizes new sensor-based IoT applications for rural areas in collaboration with the community.

Managing Director Jan Bose explains: “With SMARTinfeld, we are showing that rural areas can fully exploit the opportunities offered by digitalization, and how they can do so. With a LoRaWAN network, the community of Martinfeld has become ‘smart’. Typical for LPWAN technologies such as LoRaWAN is the enormous range, which can be up to ten kilometers in rural areas. By positioning the sensors at a higher level, we achieve optimal coverage. Furthermore, it is not necessary to dig up roads to lay cables in order to get the network up and running. Whether it's the local IoT weather station park, the surrounding soil moisture, the temperature on the mountain and on the road surface, or level monitoring and water quality – many requirements are in demand without having to introduce a new technology or software each time. A scalable, license-free IoT technology with a broad range of applications, such as LoRaWAN, and open-source software, such as FIWARE, is better.”

Finalist in the “Digital Places in the Land of Ideas 2023” competition

 The model location has already received a great deal of attention as a finalist in the “Digital Places in the Land of Ideas 2023” competition. The nomination shows that SMARTinfeld is not only of local but also of national importance. The announcement of the winners and the award ceremony will take place on November 14, 2023 in Berlin.

Smart City Expo World Congress
7. bis 9. November 2023
Barcelona Gran Via Venue
Alpha-Omega Technology GmbH & Co. KG
Joint stand of LEG Thüringen P2/83

Local point of contact for media representatives
Alpha-Omega Technology
Jan Bose, Managing Director

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