Dragino WSS-01 RS485 Regenmesser für die WSC1-L Wetterstation


89,90 €

Dragino WSS-01 RS485 Regenmesser für die WSC1-L Wetterstation


89,90 € 89.9 EUR 89,90 €

89,90 €

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The RS485 rain gauge WSS-01 is a precipitation sensor with automatic support for the Dragino weather station solution WSC1-L. The WSS-01 rain gauge from Dragino uses a tipping bucket to measure precipitation. Easy to clean, the tipping bucket has a 3D streamline shape and ensures smooth functionality. The WSS-01 is connected to the WSC1-L main processing unit of the Dragino weather station solution via the RS485 interface. The WSS-01 package includes a screw for installation, so the user only needs one screw for horizontal ground mounting.

This rain gauge is the right accessory for the weather station solution, a main processing unit must be used in addition, otherwise the functionality cannot be established. 

Sensor Niederschlag
Material Kunststoff, Kunststoff
Spannungsversorgung Geräteverbindung
Spannungsversorgungsdetails 5 - 24 V
Schnittstellen RS485
Datasheet_WSS01 LoRaWAN Rain Gauge_EN.pdf
Dragino Wetterstation User Manual EN
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